Hey movie lovers. Notice anything different? Well, if you can’t quite put your finger on the changes the site has gone through, you must’ve really been concentrating deeply while reading my film reviews and interviews, so keep it up.
Nevertheless, CineSnob.net has been completely overhauled. Yes, after eight years of film critiquing and writing I finally have a professionally done website that I am proud to call my own. There are a few things that I still need to do from my end, but that won’t affect any of the recent material.
Now, I need your help to get the word out to everyone and let them know that they can come here for the best in film reviews, celebrity interviews and all things movie related, including free movie tickets and DVDs. So tell them to bookmark CineSnob.net and visit at least 12-14 times a day. Okay, at least once would be a good start. Gotta keep those hits up!
Ahem, and now I will do my best impersonation of an Oscar winner and thank a few people for making all this possible. Thanks go out to Steven Ybarra and Rigoberto Luna for designing and creating the site. If anyone needs a website done email me and I’ll give you their contact information. They’re always looking to freelance. Also, thanks to my wife Anabel Toribio for not getting too angry when the clock reads 3 a.m. and I’m still up writing. I promise to start going to sleep earlier (or at least bring the laptop to bed).
Well, I hope everyone likes the new and improved site. I look forward to continue bringing you movie reviews and interviews and hope you’ll continue to visit!
Kiko Martinez
Film Critic
Congratulations on the site. Looks good.