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In this week’s episode of The CineSnob Podcast, the guys from CineSnob.net review “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,” “Annie,” “Wild,” and “Foxcatcher.” They also discuss and get into a heated debate about Sony cancelling “The Interview” in the wake of threats from North Korea.
[0:00-11:23] Intro, White Elephant and Pizza Talk
[11:23-1:07:38] Sony finally pulls The Interview. The Great CineSnob Podcast Debate of 2014.
[1:07:38-1:26:26] The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
[1:26:26-1:41:25] Annie
[1:41:25-1:56:38] Wild
[1:56:38-2:18:18] Foxcatcher
[2:18:18-2:23:24] Teases for next week and close.
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