Craig Brewer – Black Snake Moan

“I think you go into your first film and you’re just happy that it’s in focus. And then in the second film you start thinking, ‘Well, maybe I can actually have a body of work.'”

Sandra Bullock – Premonition

“There are so many wonderful things in America. I take and enjoy what I take and enjoy. I think everyone’s dream should be unique to themselves.”

Michael Peña – Shooter

“I didn’t get an agent until my second or third gig. I didn’t even know you needed one. I just kept going to open calls. I thought that’s the way Marlon Brando did it.”

Guillermo del Toro – Pan’s Labyrinth

“The one thing that remains constant is the childlike enthusiasm for monsters. I love monsters and from movie to movie what I love is the creation of places and creatures that don’t exist in real life.”

Manuel Almela – Kung Fu Panda

“We not only watched a kung fu expert, but we had to practice kung fu. We went and learned kung fu moves every other week to figure out the best approach to the movie.”

Lyriq Bent – Saw IV

“I’m confident enough to be an actor. I don’t need the positive reinforcement to move forward or feel validated.”