Ghost in the Shell

“A beautiful-looking film that proclaims to be about identity, but fails to find one of its own.”
Kong: Skull Island

“A mess. We’re expected to follow too many different poorly-drawn characters (big ape included).”

“[Logan] outdoes every film in the ‘X’-series—and most comic book movies, period.”
The Great Wall

“Boring…It doesn’t ever fully embrace its potential for mash-up weirdness.”

“Mixed results. A head-scratching end to the climax and an icky aftertaste in the epilogue.”
Hidden Figures

“Inspirational, but lacks a resonance strong enough to differentiate itself from the well-trodden genre.”
Rogue One

“A thrilling ‘Star Wars’ movie that dares to be different—for example: no opening crawl and no Jedi.”
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

“Rowling ably expands her ‘Harry Potter’ universe admirably.”
Doctor Strange

“At times feels plodding, hasty, [but] perks up when it finally gives way to a special effects bonanza.”

“Inoffensive and forgettable. Hope the experience goes by as quickly as possible.”
Ouija: Origin of Evil

“In spite of the previous effort and the fact it’s based on a board game…it’s actually not too bad.”
The Girl on the Train

“Isn’t scandalous or outrageously batshit crazy enough to elevate the material it demands.”