
“Mixed results. A head-scratching end to the climax and an icky aftertaste in the epilogue.”

Patriots Day

“Director Peter Berg has put together a fantastic ensemble piece that never loosens the screws.”


“It’s a tough nut to crack, [but] it’s harrowing and challenging; well performed and well written.”

Hidden Figures

“Inspirational, but lacks a resonance strong enough to differentiate itself from the well-trodden genre.”

La La Land

“An adorable, choreographed-to-a-fault work of art. Stone and Gosling light up every scene.”


“Tender, sincere and will definitely be a hard watch for anyone who has ever lost a child or parent.”


“Incredible performances, which is reason enough to forgive the film’s shortcomings.”


“Begins and ends with Natalie Portman’s powerful performance, as she masks her pain with poise.”

Rogue One

“A thrilling ‘Star Wars’ movie that dares to be different—for example: no opening crawl and no Jedi.”

Manchester by the Sea

“There’s a certain pain in Casey Affleck’s face that is visible in almost every scene.”

Office Christmas Party

“The overstuffed plot and forced sentimentality undermine any bite the film strives to have.”