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In this week’s episode of The CineSnob Podcast, the guys from CineSnob.net review “Tammy,” “Earth to Echo,” “Deliver Us From Evil,” and “Snowpiercer.” They also discuss the internet spoiler culture and the possibility of a fake Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice script written by Kevin Smith being used to fool movie news outlets.
[0:00-1:24] Intro and Happy Birthday to Kiko and Cody
[1:24-17:11] Is there a fake Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice script written by Kevin Smith floating around? – Discussion of internet spoiler culture.
[17:11-33:57] Tammy
[33:57-41:51] Earth to Echo
[41:51-45:53] Earth to Echo Spoiler Talk
[45:53-47:15] Earth to Echo Wrap-Up
[47:15-58:09] Deliver Us From Evil
[58:09-1:02:19] Snowpiercer
[1:02:19-1:13:42] Snowpiercer Spoiler Talk
[1:13:42-1:15:55] Snowpiercer Wrap-Up
[1:15:55-1:17:58] Teases for next week and close
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