A movie called “From Mexico with Love” about an immigrant who becomes a boxer so that he can provide for his family will hit theaters in a couple of weeks. The movie was shot in San Antonio. It stars Kuno Becker (“Goal”). My friendsĂ‚Â Debbie McDaniel, who is a local representative for a few major film studios, and Victor Torres went to the set to be extras in the film. You can see them below in the new trailer for the film and, of course, in the actual movie. I’m not sure if this is going to translate into Oscar gold for either of them, but it’s still pretty cool to say you were in a movie…even in the background for a few short scenes.
Way to go friends! Debbie and Victor, you are now semi-famous! What good spectators you two are!
i like the movie ” From Mexico with LOVE ” and want to know how much money it has made since Oct. 9th 2009, thank you, KUNO BECKER is EXCVELLENT. i saw the movie in SAN JOSE CA at the MERCADO 20 CiNEMA near Mission COllege. My friends from SAN JOSE STATE UNiVERSiTY ENJOYED, THE MOVIE, my e-mail is clark1771kent@yahoo.com please e-mail me the amount of DOLLARS it has generated and will continue to generate in the FUTURE ticket SALES WORLD WiDE. thanks again i am TONY MiCHEL a SPORTS FAN in CALiFORNiA.