
“Early parts of the film feature some true greatness…but punches itself out and staggers to the finish.”
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

“It’s a mixed bag, but an entertaining one nonetheless.”

“Belly flops when it comes to effective satire and face plants into the sand when it comes to raunch.”
Alien: Covenant

“Passable sci-fi fare. Katherine Waterston is wonderful and Sigourney Weaver-esque.”
Guardians of the Galaxy 2

“Delivers most of the stuff you loved about the first go-round, only this time with a lot more of it.”
Their Finest

“Isn’t quite the strong female-empowerment movie it wants to be, but it is well-performed.”
The Fate of the Furious

“Dom’s betrayal is pretty thin gruel that no true fan will buy, and new director F. Gary Gray knows it.”
Ghost in the Shell

“A beautiful-looking film that proclaims to be about identity, but fails to find one of its own.”
Power Rangers

“Before they get to ride in their giant robot dinosaurs, we have to suffer through plodding training montages.”
Beauty and the Beast

“Wonderful set pieces, costumes, and childhood memories aside, this version is fairly unexceptional.”
Kong: Skull Island

“A mess. We’re expected to follow too many different poorly-drawn characters (big ape included).”
Get Out

“Tonally satisfying and provocative. Director Jordan Peele makes a clever, anti-racism statement.”