Ghost in the Shell

“A beautiful-looking film that proclaims to be about identity, but fails to find one of its own.”

Power Rangers

“Before they get to ride in their giant robot dinosaurs, we have to suffer through plodding training montages.”

Kong: Skull Island

“A mess. We’re expected to follow too many different poorly-drawn characters (big ape included).”


“[Logan] outdoes every film in the ‘X’-series—and most comic book movies, period.”

The Great Wall

“Boring…It doesn’t ever fully embrace its potential for mash-up weirdness.”


“Mixed results. A head-scratching end to the climax and an icky aftertaste in the epilogue.”

Patriots Day

“Director Peter Berg has put together a fantastic ensemble piece that never loosens the screws.”

Hidden Figures

“Inspirational, but lacks a resonance strong enough to differentiate itself from the well-trodden genre.”

Rogue One

“A thrilling ‘Star Wars’ movie that dares to be different—for example: no opening crawl and no Jedi.”

Doctor Strange

“At times feels plodding, hasty, [but] perks up when it finally gives way to a special effects bonanza.”


“Inoffensive and forgettable. Hope the experience goes by as quickly as possible.”