Our Family Wedding

“Jokes play race card without remorse and each one is less amusing than the last.”

The White Ribbon

“A haunting, metaphorical drama that speaks on many different levels.”

The Crazies

“A stimulating blend of chilling moments that avoids undermining the audience.”

The Last Station

“An intelligent drama based on the intricacies that evolve when ideals collide.”

Shutter Island

“The twist and turns might be sharp, but that doesn’t make them any less dull.”

The Wolfman

“Can’t decide on being a throwback monster movie or going full-gore for the mainstream.”

Valentine’s Day

“Gluttons for this type of cheap, faux-holiday filler will eat it up without much thought.”

La Danse

“Watching the ballet come to life through precise choreography and elegance is entrancing.”

Dear John

“Plays the sympathy card for the final half-hour and unfortunately turn the film into a mess.”

When in Rome

“The type of pointless rom com that is easy to dismiss if you’ve seen enough of them.”